Codependency and Toxic Relationships

1761627959Feeling sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.

It is exhausting trying to live up to others’ expectations and constantly letting their problems become your problems.

Everyone needs something from you. And somehow, their needs always seem to be more important than your own.

You’ve let yourself go and stopped caring for yourself. You don’t like how you feel physically or emotionally.

2293624677Hanging on by a thread.

Every day is drudgery, dreading waking up in the morning and going home at night. The despair is so great that you’re not sure you can live like this any longer and are running out of hope.

The person who says he loves you is destroying you. You’ve contorted yourself to make him happy, but nothing you do is ever right. The insults, criticism, and belittling continue, sometimes even escalating into physical threats.

You wonder if it’s your fault. If only I could be better or do better, he would be happy. Or would he? You don’t know what to believe anymore. Gaslighting marks every conversation with him, making you feel crazy.

Walking on eggshells all the time. The stress and pain are unbearable.

1159674946Looking for love in all the wrong places.

You can’t live without love, romance, or sex – it’s like oxygen to you and has become an obsession. Without it, despair and fear are intolerable. But when you have it, it’s like poison – leaving you feeling sick, shameful, and empty.

So you continue to chase after romance or sex just to avoid shame and pain, even as the consequences become more damaging.

You are hurting your career, finances, health, reputation, and dignity. Other relationships in your life are falling apart. But still, you can’t stop; you’ve become addicted.

204741856Rescue is around the corner.

You are not alone – I’m here to take this journey with you. Together, we’ll help you learn to recognize and prioritize your own needs, break away from unhealthy dependence on others, and heal from abusive relationships. The cycle of addiction to false love stops now!

I’ll teach you approaches and resources to untangle yourself from the patterns and people that hurt you so you can set better boundaries and live in alignment with your values.

Empower yourself to choose real love and safe relationships with people who lift you up, not tear you down.

You were born to live free, not enslaved to anyone. It’s time to revive your power, recover your life, and resurrect your heart. Call me now for your free consultation.