EMDR for Trauma Recovery

2263229223The past is robbing you of your present.

Pain from your past keeps following you, triggering you, making you feel fearful and hurt.

It forces you to create walls in every relationship or avoid relationships entirely. Anything to ensure you don’t get hurt again; you’re not sure you’d survive it this time.

Again and again, people tell you to “Just get over it.” And “Let it go.” If only you could. You’ve tried so hard, but it’s never made a difference.

1505022971For as long as you can remember, you’ve felt unlovable.

Past experiences make you feel defective and irreparable, like damaged goods.

“Who will ever love me if they truly knew me?” you repeatedly ask yourself.

So you settle for less than you want or deserve. You become involved with people who treat you poorly, creating more bruises, reinforcing distrust in yourself, and causing you to lose hope.

1017273745You were created to be loved and live freely.

It is time to break free from the past. To let go of the untruths you’ve believed about yourself for far too long.

Make the journey from constant anxiety to peace, and find your true purpose in the world.

Let’s heal from the trauma you experienced so you can shift how you see yourself, others, and the world – and act from a place of love rather than fear and self-hatred.

What is trauma?

Trauma is anything that has a lasting negative impact on you. It affects your emotions, perceptions, beliefs about yourself and others, physical health, and spiritual fulfillment.

There is “big T” trauma (like a significant injury, a death in the family, sexual assault, or domestic violence). And there is “little t” trauma (like being bullied in middle school, your best friend moving away, or not getting that promotion you worked so hard for).

If your negative experiences, big or small, are not processed properly, they will continue to affect you and keep you from living the life you want. Frequently people turn to unhealthy behaviors like substance abuse or self-harm to find some relief. Of course, this only causes more trauma to ourselves and those around us.

1508951066What is EMDR?

EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy. It is a leading treatment for trauma created by renowned psychologist Francine Shapiro. It is used to help people heal issues ranging from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to depression, anxiety, chronic pain, addictions, codependency, and other relational dysfunctions.

All of our experiences are emotionally encoded in our brains and bodies. Therefore, past experiences influence our present situations. The stronger the emotional encoding, the more influence our past has on our perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors.

“The more hysterical, the more historical,” which means the more emotional distress, suffering, and inadequacy we experience – the higher priority our brain is giving to our unresolved trauma. The brain is simply trying to do its job by healing us. But it needs help.

Let EMDR help you.

EMDR works to change your brain by using bilateral stimulation to understand past experiences better and release unwanted impacts of memories. It allows you to get to a place where you can remember these painful events without distress.

This process can help you bring calm back into your body, improve sleep, reduce nightmares, and decrease flashbacks and fear responses. Let peace replace your constant hypervigilance.

It’s time to restructure your faulty beliefs into positive ones based on reality and the truth of your worthiness. You are not stuck! Real change is possible.

Call me now for your free consultation, and let’s find you relief today!