Spiritual Counseling

1427585750So much noise and confusion.

You feel uncentered and ungrounded – like a small boat being tossed to and fro in a stormy sea.

So many voices are constantly telling you, “Go here.” “Do that.” “This is the right way.” “Go with the crowd, or you won’t belong.”

There’s so much division these days, and you’re not sure who you are, where you fit in, or what you’re supposed to do with your life.

18729097Hurt or shackled by religion.

There was a time when your faith gave you peace, hope, and joy. You devoted yourself to God and the church, and it helped you navigate life’s difficulties.

But somewhere along the way, you started to feel stifled. You became stuck and cynical. Your reality no longer matches what you learned about God or higher love.

It’s supposed to be a perfect love that protects and blesses you. Instead, you just feel betrayed, abandoned, and rejected – lost alone in a loud scary world.

2322175567What is YOUR truth?

My priority is to create a safe, nonjudgmental space where you can explore what you believe; a place where you can hear yourself, your intuition, and your soul.

Together, we’ll sort through the spiritual beliefs you’ve been taught so you can decide for yourself what feels right for you. As you discover your individual faith based on your own spiritual experiences, you’ll learn to live freely and authentically in flow with the love and guidance from your own personal Higher Power.

It’s time to find your truth so that you can be healed, free, and elevated to the life you were created for. Call me for your free consultation, and start on the path to freedom today!